M Bond Pumps have been trusted electric motor suppliers since 1999 and have a deep understanding of electric motors for sale cape town. When we at M Bond, think of WEG electric motors, we think primarily of an electrical device or contraption commonly called a “motor”, which fundamentally changes ESKOM’s electrical power, delivered to us via heavy cables, into mechanical energy.
The electric motors which we sell and understand the best, work through the invisible interaction which exists between a motor’s magnetic field, and the current running through the “windings”. This generates a force which turns the motor’s shaft, and this turning force is called then called “torque”.
Did you know that a generator, is essentially identical to an electric motor, but operates in the opposite direction, taking mechanical energy, from say a petrol or diesel engine, and converting it into electricity into which you can plug a user.
Electric motors can work on direct current (DC) power, for example from a small AA battery which is usually via 12V or 24V sources, or from alternating current (AC) power supply, such as a plug socket in your garage which may either be 220V (Single Phase) or 380V (Three Phase).
At M Bond Pumps, as electrical motor suppliers, we stock and distribute 3 phase motors for industrial applications running off AC supply. We do not stock DC motors or single phase AC motors.
Following on from the above, M Bond Pumps are 3 phase electric motor suppliers. However to provide important insight into the various classifications of electric motors, several key considerations are worth knowing;
- power source type AC or DC
- construction
- efficiency IE1, IE2, IE3, IE4 or IE5
- application
- foot or flange mount (B3 or B5)
- speed fast or slow or very slow (2 Pole, 4 Pole, 6 Pole or 8 Pole)
- type of motion output
- brushed or brushless
- single-phase, two-phase, or three-phase
- axial or radial flux
- air-cooled or liquid-cooled
Classifications aside, you might want to know what M Bond Pumps offer? Well firstly, we commonly sell electric motors which are for alternating current power sources (AC). Secondly, we supply either – motors with a foot mounting, or a flange type mounting. This arrangement depends on the motor’s application. Thirdly, we supply electric motors which require, either 380 Volts or 550 Volts of alternating current. Fourthly, our motors generally come with a standard efficiency rating, which we call IE1. An IE3 of IE5 efficiency rating, means the motor costs way more initially, but consumes far less power over its lifetime because it is that much more efficient. Lastly, our motors most often have an ingress protection rating, (IP Rating) of IP 55. This means they offer good resistance to dust ingress and good resistance to light rain falling. This in turn means our motors can be used outdoors on a farm or a fuel depot for example. Take a look at our electric motor price list here.
Fortunately as electric motor suppliers South Africa, our range is standardised and provide effortless mechanical power for industrial use across Africa. The largest motors M Bond Pumps sells, are used for example in cruise ship propulsion. Other large motor users include pipeline compression or pumped-storage applications with output not in the kilowatts, but megawatts. Our website pricelist offers motors up to 110kW or 110 000 watts, but if your company requires a larger motor, do not hesitate to contact us.
Applications for “normal” size motors would include users such as;
- various types of pumps
- various forms of industrial fans
- blowers
- machine tools such a lathes, presses, grinders, milling machines to name but a few
- household appliances such as convention ovens, blenders, garage door openings, power tools, electric vehicles, and even PC components such as the old HDD or hard disk drives.
As explained above, electric motors commonly create rotating forces, which we also call a torque. But did you know that electric motors can also indirectly create a linear force? A linear force would be used in an elevator mechanism for example. Moreover, most electric motors are designed for continuous rotation, or linear movement over a significant distance compared to their relative size size. On the other hand, magnetic solenoids also convert electricity into mechanical movement, but this over a much smaller distance only.
It is of interest to the world at the moment, that electric motors are – by their very nature – allot more efficient than the other “prime movers” a.k.a the internal combustion engine. This form of torque, is slowly being phased out and being superseded by electric cars like the Porsche Taycan which runs on a series of electric motors. You may ask why? Well, electric motors are over 95% efficient during operation. Compare this to their old petrol and diesel car engine counterparts, which have concerningly poor efficiencies, well below 50%!
Additionally, electric motors are lighter, smaller in size, mechanically allot simpler and somewhat cheaper to manufacture than petrol engines. And, if you thought that was all, electric motors are more durable, while providing instant and consistent torque at any speed. To see this, take a look at how the Taycan can accelerate from 0-100km/h in just over 2 seconds. But most importantly, electrical motors, can run on electricity from renewable sources such as wind, solar and sun, which do not emit carbon into the atmosphere. It is for all these facts, that electrical motors are replacing internal combustion engines in most applications across the globe.